I must be one of the most evil, vile, hell-bound, iniquitous, and damned people on the face of the Earth. How does one earn such a position you might be asking. Have I killed anyone? No. Did I rob an old lady while simultaneously coveting my neighbors wife and taking the Lord's name in vain? No. I am no good at multitasking let alone multitasking evil deeds. Have I denied the faith and fought against the purposes of the Almighty. Nope. So what have I done that has condemned me..... I didn't pass along a Jesus email. Sorry mom! No heaven for me.
OK, so anyone who knows me knows that I believe in God and His son Jesus. I go to church weekly, pray, read the "sticks" and even spread the "Good Word" for 2 years straight. I would say that qualifies me for a place under the expansive classification of Christian. I just have never been a fan of the Jesus mails. They always start off with some brave soul who has the courage to stand up for his/her belief in God in the face of some adversity. They inevitably flow on to how many jokes we pass along but we never talk about God. Ummmmm..... maybe THEY never talk about God, but that doesn't mean that others aren't doing it. So while I am glad there are stories of those who stand up for their belief in God and Jesus, just don't expect any emails, posts, blogs, videos, or other communications guilting you into religious confessions.