Monday, June 30, 2008

Viva Espana

So for those of you who decided not to watch the finals of the Euro 2008 I will give you one guess who won. Wrong, it was Spain. After all the talk about how the Spanish seem to fold under pressure and how Germany blah blah blah..... it is crow eating time! 44 years after their last European Championship Spain cane through with a 1-0 win over the Germanians.

Not going to lie, it was a sweet little goal that even those ignorant to the wonderfulness of futbol could appreciate. Fernando Torres, aka "El Nino" (no, not the weather phenomenon), beat the German defender to a ball he shouldn't have been able to get to and flicked it over the goalkeeper. Check out the video -

And so ends the fantasticality that shows why the rest of the world loves a sport where they chase a ball up and down a field (pitch as it is known to the footballers) for 90+ minutes. So next time you get to partake in an event like this, take it. If not for my sake, for your own!