Ok, so I claim no originality at all for posting this video, but I thought it was the least I could do to show my support of those who dont support the way the current administration is dive-bombing the economy to the ground faster than a plane with geese in both engines. Check out the video.....
Who would've thunk it? Ask the people who REALLY deal with financial markets on a day-to-day basis and have no special interests what might be good or bad for them (the markets) and you might just get something solved. BRILLIANT!
See you in Chicago for the Tea Party!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Everyone Else's New Years Resolution

So, it has been a long while since I have added to the train wreck of a web page which is my blog....but I am back with a New Years resolution for YOU. Yeah, I know that the conventional way is to make them up yourself so you're the only one who knows how miserably you have been at achieving it..... but, truth be told, I don't trust you to come up with ones that benefit me. Hence, you will be given one that benefits me.
It all stems from something that happened just last night. there I was, surrounded by a bunch of people at what some people might have called a "party" (I choose to call it a lame excuse for a party) when people started counting down down from 10. After screaming "ONE!" everyone then yelled a certain phrase consisting of 3 words. At which point I decided to get into the spirit of things and proceeded to take off my clothes.
At this point you must be asking yourself, "Self, what does this have to do with me and my resolutions?" but here it comes......
And for everyone else that heard "Happy Nude Year"...... put some pants on sicko!
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